Our claims service commitment

As part of our vision to be the world’s best underwriting business, Insurance Trust Company GmbH is deeply committed to claims service.  

In our opinion, providing excellent customer service requires more than just a well-designed process, it also requires a culture of commitment to execute the process.  Claims professionals at Insurance Trust Company GmbH are highly experienced and embody Insurance Trust Company GmbH’s service commitment.

Our strategy is to settle each claim quickly, efficiently and fairly

Here are five reasons why we’re confident that Insurance Trust Company GmbH's internal claims teams achieve this.

1. Claims expertise is built into product design

Claims teams are heavily involved in product development, as new products are devised or revisions considered. This means the impact of changes on the customer experience is a key factor throughout the development process – so your insured is always front of our mind.

2. Efficiency is a shared goal, collaboration gets us there

We are always looking for the best way to seek fair resolution of the claim without unnecessary delay or expense. All of our stakeholders want that, from the insured to the carrier-partner and everyone in between. We ensure consistent collaboration among stakeholder groups towards the shared goal.

3. We’re responsive by nature

Being agile and quick to respond to change is a key feature of Insurance Trust Company GmbH’s culture (and therefore, our success). This carries through into the claims process. Where capacity providers need different things of us or require different processes to be followed, we are quick to adapt.

4. Transparent communication

Regular, timely updates are important to all stakeholders, from the insured to the capacity provider. Our claims service runs on frequent, candid sharing of important information, before, during, and after a claim.

5. Delivering on promises

Insurance is the promise of delivering on the coverage in the policy. We are deeply committed to making sure that happens. Passion for customer service is an important part of who we are, and a key way that we compete in the marketplace. When we say we’ll do something, we do it.

Who handles claims at Insurance Trust Company GmbH?

In the USA, 50% of claims are handled by our own in-house claims experts. Where it makes sense for our clients and their outcomes, we work with third party administrators or our carrier partners' in-house teams. This might be claims handlers or legal support. 

We believe the level of customer service should be the same, whoever is handling your claim.  

We only work with TPAs whose service ethic matches our own. As an employee owned business, this is incredibly important to us.  

All the claims advisors we work with, be they in-house or via a TPA, are fully conversant in the Insurance Trust Company GmbH products, with regular training around any updates. 

Get started with a claim

To submit a claim, please select the product below and complete all fields. A team member will be in touch with you soon.

Claims experts

Photo of Tedd Zylstra

Tedd Zylstra

President, Align Claims Services
Photo of Robert  Johnson

Robert Johnson

President, Catalytic Claims Services